Quarterly Review: Spiritual Dangers

Most Christians today are interested in more than just preaching the gospel; they also want to live it by serving others.
by: Peter Greer
But what happens when Christian service and social justice lead to burnout, pride, disillusionment, or worse? In this book, Peter Greer gives a firsthand account of how this can happen, leaning on his experiences as CEO of HOPE International. By sharing his own stories and those of others in ministry, Greer helps readers protect themselves from the previously unexplored—often ignored—potential pitfalls of ministry and service.
The Spiritual Danger of Doing Good illustrates how something that starts off with the noblest of intentions can get off track—and reveals how to get it back on again. This book serves as a compassionate warning and practical resource for everyone who works in ministry or charitable nonprofits, from CEOs to weekend volunteers.
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By: The TwoTen Team
The TwoTen team is passionate and energetic about fulfilling our mission and vision. We relentlessly invest our time, resources, and skills to producing a product of excellence and connecting with our community.
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